The Australian Editorial watch
It struck me reading the comment section of yesterdays "Australian" that if you look closely at any conservative comment especially if it is aimed at so called "lefties" it becomes apparent at how blatent thier hypocracy actually is and is just a smokescreen to justify a world view which places profit as the supreme god especially if it comes in the traditional form of share dividends or bank interest (don't mention decent wages or good working conditions).
The example i am refering to is the commment by that arch free marketeer David Flint about the attempt (which failed!) by a ABC journalist to get the ABC to publish an biography of the right wing pin up Alan Jones published.
Flint shares with us an intersting anecdote about how he couldn't find a copy of his book criticising the "liberal elites" (read small l liberal) for being out of touch with the Australian "mainstream" in any ABC bookshop. He was told by the attendent that they didn't stock that book because only books from the left sell. Now what would you think would be the reaction of this arch free marketeer who in the same article expressed his disagreement over what he termed Jones's agrarian socialism?
You would think that he would welcome and champion ABC shops market driven approach as a step forward away from the "economically inefficiencies" of state run organisations. Surely ABC Shops are just supplying what the consumers demand surely this is the best way to meet equilibrium. Surely he isn't argueing that ABC shops interfere with the free market and provide books by conservatives that they know doesn't have market demand.
But he does. This champion of the free market inadvertantly showed his ideological hypocracies to the world. We can have free market in everything from education to health and that we should remove all impediments to free trade, but we can't allow the free market to determine that 'leftie' speak dominates the bookshelves of ABC stores.
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