I knew Irony was lost on Americans
Watching TV the other day i realized that underneath the public persona of a talking baboon George Bush is really a very intellegent person.
why? you ask. Well we all know from his public speeches that big W appears a bit short of that important matter which resides between your ears. But the catch is that is just a ruse. Catch him off guard and he is really a quite intellegent person giving insightful analysis in the current situation in the Middle East.
See whilst you may think that a sensible analysis would look at the effects of Isreals occupation of Palestine, the denial of political rights to Muslims, the brutal treatment of Arabs in Palestine and previously and recently in Lebanon, as part of the reason why most other people in the region despise the Zionist state and the US for providing the military and economic assistance that allows it to laud over the region. Thus, why most people support the resistance movement who are fighting back with such disparate means ranging from children throwing stones who a few thousand small calibre rockets.
But no. Big W knows that this is wrong all you need to do which is 'ironic' is to get Syria to make Hezbollah stop this shit and it would be all over. No need to worry about who is responsible for rebuilding Lebanons infrastructure, no need to worry about the millions of Palestinians who have been kicked of their land, no need to worry about the thousands of Palestinians and other Arabs locked up without charge in Isreali jails.
See he really is is intellegent. Now that is ironic, or is it?
Labels: Isreal lebanon war